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Shalini Ayurveda Center

Shalini Ayurveda Center offers an intimate and welcoming place of health and relaxation for those who wish to
enjoy a spa in complete tranquility.
Reserved for individuals alone or small groups, the facility features exclusive spaces and, upon request, authentic treatments from the Ayurveda tradition.
Visit the Official Web Site of Shalini Ayurveda Center

Sauna in pinocembro lunare (45°- 90°)

Espettorante, decongestionante, allevia il dolore muscolare, favorisce il sonno, rafforza il sistema immunitario di bronchi e polmoni.

Con erbe aromatiche: per aumentare il potere antibatterico e decongestionante

Sauna fredda (25°): per i bambini asmatici e le persone allergiche sensibili al calore

Lunar pinocembro sauna (45°- 90°)

Expectorant, decongestant, relieves muscle pain, promotes sleep, strengthens immune system of bronchi and lungs.
With herbs: to increase antibacterial and decongestant power
Cold sauna (25°): for asthmatic children and
heat-sensitive allergic people

Bagno turco/Hammam (30° - 60°, umidità 95%)

Elimina le tossine e le cellule morte favorendo una azione esfoliante. Dona un sollievo ai disturbi reumatici, stimola la circolazione e libera le vie respiratorie.

Si potrà usare prodotti per il peeling del corpo.

A seguire idroterapia di acqua fredda

Turkish bath/Hammam (30° - 60°, humidity 95%)

Removes toxins and dead cells by promoting an exfoliating action. Gives relief to rheumatic complaints, stimulates circulation and clears the respiratory tract.
Body peeling products may be used.
Followed by cold water hydrotherapy

Zona relax

A libera disposizione un carrello con tisane Ayurveda.

Relaxation area

A cart with Ayurveda herbal teas is freely available.

Peeling products

  • For own use, for use in the steam room

  • Mudi soap made from 100% natural roots and clay earth

  • Powder made from 100% natural medicinal roots

Indian massage with medicated oil

  • Relaxing and nourishing

  • Fights dryness

  • Gives elasticity to the skin

  • 30 min.

  • 60 min.

Foot massage - Padabhayangam with medicated oil

  • Reflexology

  • Stimulates internal organs

  • Rebalances the nervous system.

  • 30 min.

Body peeling massage with Ayurveda roots

  • Several stages of cleansing and nourishment

  • Eliminates dead cells

  • Stimulates blood circulation

  • Gives elasticity to the skin, which will become soft and radiant again

  • 30 min.

Facial care with 100% natural Ayurveda roots - Youth

  • Cleanses impurities

  • Nourishes the skin

  • Reduces pimples and acne

  • 45 min.

Facial care with 100% natural Ayurveda roots - Her and Him

  • Multi-step deep cleansing against impurities

  • Stimulates blood vessels

  • Vitaminic

  • Antibacterial

  • Anti-aging

  • Gives skin radiance and elasticity

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