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Enjoy the virtues of Ayurveda

Our Ayurveda supplements

Considered one of the foundations of healing, the concept of the food supplement has existed in Ayurveda since its beginnings as a complement to therapies and a daily health support.
The quality and efficacy of Natural Dream Living supplements depend largelyand on the genuineness and purity of
the ingredients used
. The shelf life of various supplements is examined schientifically, and the modern technology adopted for product control makes it possible to identify and eliminate the presence of any heavy metals.
The quality of our supplements is first ensured by our manufacturers, families who have been practising Brahmin doctors (Ashtavaidya) for generations and who meticulously follow the fundamentals of Ayurveda as empirical knowledge inherited through generations and the practice of genuine Ayurveda.
Our Swiss company monitors and verifies the entire supply chain: raw material selection, production and certification to provide HIGH QUALITY, safe and effective supplements.
In Ayurveda we find different types of supplements:

KASHAYAM (Decotti)

I Kashayam sono dei decotti tradizionali a base di erbe e radici ottenuti da una lunga ebollizione in acqua a cui fa seguito un fermentazione naturale (senza alcun effetto alcolico). Solitamente si trovano in forma liquida concentrata o in forma di pastiglie (poltiglia pressata).

I Kashayam sostengono principalmente il sistema immunitario e sono particolarmente efficaci in caso di stati infiammatori.

Tutti i decotti

ARISTHAM (Sciroppi a fermentazione naturale)

L’Aristham è un preparato di erbe, radici, fiori, cortecce, frutti e dolcificanti naturali (melassa, miele o zucchero grezzo). Le materie prime vengono pulite, asciugate e schiacciate, prima di essere lavate e bollite sul fuoco a legna in enormi caldaie di rame. La cottura richiede molti mesi, lasciando più volte riposare il liquido e riprendere la cottura.

Questa preparazione ha lo scopo di ridurre il composto ed estrarne tutti i principi attivi. Il liquido fermentato viene infine filtrato, chiarificato e confezionato in condizioni sterili. Il prodotto finito riposa per altri sei a dodici mesi durante i quali vengono aggiunti degli agenti naturali che agiscono da regolatori naturali della fermentazione (non alcolica), come il fiore Woodfordia fruticosa o la Madhuca longifolia. Questo ulteriore procedimento ha lo scopo di permettere il suo facile assorbimento nell’intestino, lasciando inoltre un sapore gradevole al palato.

Tutti gli sciroppi


Kashayams are traditional herbal and root decoctions made by long boiling in water followed by natural fermentation (without any alcoholic effect). They are usually found in concentrated liquid form or in tablet (pressed mush) form.
Kashayams primarily support the immune system and are particularly effective in inflammatory states.

(Naturally fermented syrups)

Aristham is a preparation of herbs, roots, flowers, barks, fruits and natural sweeteners (molasses, honey or raw sugar). The raw materials are cleaned, dried and crushed, before being washed and boiled over a wood fire in huge copper boilers. The cooking process takes many months, letting the liquid rest and resume several times.
The purpose of this preparation is to reduce the mixture and extract all the active ingredients. The fermented liquid is finally filtered, clarified and packaged under sterile conditions. The finished product rests for another six to 12 months during which natural agents are added to act as natural regulators of (nonalcoholic) fermentation, such as the flower Woodfordia fruticosa or Madhuca longifolia. This additional process is intended to allow its easy absorption in the intestines, while also leaving a pleasant taste on the palate.
All decoctions
All syrups


Choornams are fine powders made from roots, fruits and herbs which are collected, cleaned, dried, pulverized and sieved.
In addition to supporting intestinal flora they combat many chronic digestive disorders such as constipation and hyperacidity.


Gulika are created from roots and herbs that are cleaned, dried, ground and pulverized, before being cooked in water for several months through a process of enhancing and purifying the active ingredients. The result is a paste that is then left to dry in the sun.
Gulika have multiple uses working as much on the digestive system as on the blood and respiratory systems.
All powders
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CHOORNAM (Polveri)

I Choornam sono delle polveri fini a partire da radici, frutti ed erbe le quali vengono raccolte, pulite, asciugate, polverizzate e setacciate.

Oltre a sostenere la flora intestinale combattono molti disturbi cronici dell’apparato digestivo quali la stitichezza e l’iperacidità.

Tutte le Polveri

GULIKA (Pastiglie)

I Gulika sono creati a partire da radici ed erbe che vengono pulite, essiccate, macinate e polverizzate, prima di essere cotte in acqua per diversi mesi attraverso un processo di potenziamento e purificazione dei principi attivi. Il risultato è una pasta che viene poi lasciata asciugare al sole.

I Gulika hanno molteplici impieghi lavorando tanto sul sistema digestivo come su quello sanguineo e respiratorio.

Tutte le pastiglie

(pastes and jams)

The first stage in the preparation of Gurutham consists of slow cooking of medical herbs until a paste is obtained, which is later strained. Cow's milk and ghee (clarified butter) are then added before cooking is resumed. Finally, Kashaya is added according to the patient's ailments.
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